Sunday, August 3, 2008

Oh No!! Another Migraine!!

I woke up at 3 this morning with lights flashing around in front of my eyes. I got up, took some of the medication the neurologist gave me and hoped this would go away. It did--but not until I went back to sleep, woke up again, took more medication, went back to sleep--and now finally at 7:30 p.m. it is mainly gone.

Why do I have this? I wish I knew. There is no medical reasoning behind it. They just come and go unexpectedly. At least, this didn't last for days like I've had happen in the past.

I've been feeling really lonely today. I don't like loneliness. When I'm lonely, I tend to think too much, and when I think too much, I start feeling sorry for myself about things that I have no reason to feel sorry about. Instead of thinking about where I live and why I live here, I should be thankful that I have a roof over my head.

Instead of thinking that it would be nice to be able to come home during the week and have dinner and conversation with someone about their day, I should be thinking about how lucky I am to be away from the situation I was in and still be able to live, breathe and talk about this.

So, another pity party--stop whining and move on!!

K--that's all for a while!



magnoliasntea said...

Oh my, the migraine sounds just awful. I used to have something similar with the lights (crazy lights), but the headaches that followed the lights weren't really bad enough to call migraines.
I started drinking more water & they gradually stopped. Hope yours do, too, soon! I'll pray about that with you.

Thanks so much for the potholder link!

Aunt Kathy said...

I've never had migraines but I get the headaches too. Attacks from the enemy always follow a great week... you were blessed with a lovely time with your children, gave an awesome testimony that touched me... start stomping on that devil, he is under your feet, in spite of it all, sing praises. Your peace will follow.


Tiffanie Lloyd said...

Don't let the enemy win. You are a beautiful person with a beautiful story and God's plan is perfect. I have those days too, when the past haunts me. But God is bigger! And He loves you, and you are not alone. I know it doesn't always feel like it, but you are NOT alone. You are in my prayers. I am really grateful to have met you and I am encouraged and inspired by your testimony and life.
I hope your day is blessed!