Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sometimes I Just Wish.....

A very hectic day at very, very busy....and I come home to these two:

Yes, Scout and Miles laying together on one of my deck chairs....enjoying the sunny day!

There are times when I wish I were a cat--a cat with a good, loving home....of course!!

Lindsay is coming home with Andrew today...we have some work to accomplish and some furniture to move because I have a surprise coming on Friday!! YIPPEE!!

Make sure to come back later in the week for pictures of this one!!


1 comment:

Peggy said...

Blessings Beth... Yeahhh...they are so comfy! Look so content! They are so beautiful!!!

Can't wait for the surprise!!! ohhh happy day!!! when Jesus walked no when we washed, He washed my sins away... ya' know that one!

Anyways... so sorry that you had a hectic day but I'm glad that you're home! Let that old work go and enJOY!!! Like these two...don't just wish... be a cute kiddy!

Love ya'
P.S. I never wished to be a cat!
hmmmmmmm not even a dog, I thought about writing that though but it just wasn't true! Did I ever tell you how beautiful these two are>