Tuesday, September 7, 2010

And the week begins...

a day later than usual....but still beginning.

The three day weekend is officially over, and I feel like it has just begun!!
Cara brought Lydia over for a visit on Sunday, and she played the piano (in her own fashion, of course). She seemed to enjoy the fact that she could make "music", and kept saying "Ooooohhh!".....I think we have a natural on our hands....

I did a little shopping around for piano instruction books, and finally decided which to order. I've gotten as far as "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", using both hands. which I consider to be an accomplishment since I haven't played anything or read music for quite a number of years.

Lydia's Starghan is almost completed, and then I can move on to her stocking. I had every intention of finishing her birthday project this weekend. But, as each "go-around" is longer than the previous, it's taking me a bit longer than anticipated. I have two more rows and then the edging....then completion!!

After I posted my "gratitude list" yesterday, I walked outside for a bit. Almost immediately, two more items to add to my list occurred. I've written them down, and they'll have to wait until next week's posting.

I hope to have a photo of the finished Starghan tomorrow. Never did find those batteries...I wonder where they walked to? Hmmmm.......


1 comment:

Peggy said...

Blessings Beth!!!

Too fast this weekend is over but hopefully your work week will be short and more pleasant as you focus on your gratitude attitude, right?

Just looking at this JOY on your "natural" musically inclined face blesses me!

Twinkle, twinkle both of you stars, enjoying piano music not so afar...
right in your house, you can give the Lord praise...
So playing those keys Lydia and soon you will raise...
Your arms to Him with Songs or prayers,
I know that He loves you and that
Someone really cares!
Have a great day & play your little fingers off while gramma's away...
Come back & visit soon...okay

Hope the Starghan...is shining just as brightly!

Take care of your elbow too!

You have a full week to link your prayer as He DRAWS YOU INTO A CLOSER WALK!!! Thanks for stopping over...