Friday, October 29, 2010

Just Ramblin' On

Hard to believe, but Lydia is 11 months old already!! This was her first official 'Trick or Treat', and before we start any debates over the 'right' or 'wrong' of this, let me just say that this was done all in evilness intended....whatsoever!!

And she did have much fun as an almost one year old can have....

Actually, more fun for the adults involved than Lydia herself--who just puts up with our shenigans for our own amusement!!

It's been a very busy week....I've only been directly home from work one evening this week....and tonight I'm going with a friend to Warm Hearts Cafe in Mechanicsburg to hear Shelleen play the piano and sing....

I've only heard one song from her CD, Rough Tracks--'Enraptured'--and I'm looking forward to hearing her in person. Who knows, maybe I'll even purchase the CD....

The blanket project for the homeless is getting underway...and more ideas floating around in my mind as to where these blankets should be many in few workers...

Until the next time,


Thursday, October 28, 2010

God Is Working Behind The Scenes!

God is working in my youngest daughter!!

I don't think she realizes this, but He is!!

Last Saturday was our annual food drive through our church, and Lindsay offered to help with this...just out of the blue asked it she could help. And, I, of course, said "sure, we can use help!!"

And so she did--and she worked hard--making boxes, loading boxes with food, lifting boxes that none of us had the strength to carry--and she felt fulfilled by serving others.
On the way home, she told me how she 'loved' doing this!! But, she does not see why she has to go to church. I explained to her about community--"we need each other--one person certainly couldn't do this on their own...." I purposely kept things simple because she is a "professed nonbeliever", and while I could see God working in her for His good and intended purposes on that day, she would not see this in herself.

The next day, I told her that everyone together--working together in several different areas of our local region--were able to collect approximately 600 boxes of food to donate to the local food bank. She was astounded!!

Then I was astounded!! She asked me what else she could do!!

I checked out our churches' website...found other serving opportunities...sent her an email with the links...with a message asking her if she would interested in either of these.

This morning, I received an email from her.....she wants to do two of the serving opportunities...and not only this....but my older daughter, Cara, is wanting to help also....and Lindsay enlisted the help of two of her friends!!

I am smiling....God is working in both my daughters....two friends of theirs....and they don't even realize it!! But, the importance of this....they will realize it.

One of the serving needs is Helping Hands, helping to serve a meal to the homeless. She has a servant's heart and just doesn't know it yet!! And when she does, watch out!! This girl can be tireless in her energy and devotion....once she knows where it is directed.

And so, today, I thank You, God, for using both my girls and their friends to help those less fortunate than themselves. Thank You for using this opportunity to help open their eyes to Your love for each and every one of us.....regardless of our past, our present circumstances....and I ask that their serving others will lead them to You for Your wonderful and intended purposes for them.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Book Review

The Gospel According To Jesus--A Faith That Restores All Things by Chris Seay is not at all what I expected this book to be.
I was excited to be able to review this book thinking that this was going to be more of a Bible written from the perspective of Jesus. In a way, it is.
The author has written nine chapters of what he considers to be the downfall of the Christian church today. In all of the instances he has cited, I do agree with him. He states that the Christian church today is falling back into the legalistic theories of the Pharisees rather than the service and true gospel of Jesus.
I am usually a fast reader, and this book was a slow read--not because it is not interesting or informative--there is just a lot of meat to grasp onto and take into account.
The fact that Jesus was drawn to the broken and that we, as Christians in the world today, tend to avoid the broken made a great impact upon me. I can see where the majority of the Christian church of today has drifted from the original church after Jesus' resurrection. I can also see where many improvements in our society today need to be made in order to return to the true gospel of Jesus.
Overall, I would recommend this book if you are needing to change your perspective of exactly what Jesus came to do in this world.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Freshly Fallen Snow

How many times must I put myself through an inner mind battle before I realize that this is not the way God wants me to live?

How can an innocent word spoken by another trigger reactions and thoughts that will run through my mind--around and around they go--until I feel consumed by the negative and not the positive?

I have had many things occur in my life (from childhood to the present) which have been hurtful, harmful, damaging to me--and my children. I've come to realize that the only person I can change is me. As much as I may pray and wish my children would come to the same realization, they need to do this for themselves.

I've been on a journey these past few months--a forgiveness journey. I've taken several steps forward, a few steps back......

And then last night my Home Group met. We are doing a series called "Life's Healing Choices" by John Baker. The study itself is taught by Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in Southern California.

I had reviewed the DVD by Pastor Rick twice before the meeting. But, as I watched this with the members of the group last night, I realized that I had somehow missed an important point.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect....Romans 12:2 (NASB)

Renew my mind!! Take out the garbage that is filling my mind and replace it with God's Word.

I know that I have "tried" Scripture memorization before, and I have failed. But, I want my mind renewed, and more importantly, God wants my mind renewed. He does not want my mind cluttered with events and memories of the past which He has already forgiven. I am the one who is allowing these thoughts to pervade my mind and my life.

How? By giving satan the access to my thought patterns way too easily!!

Again I am going to start memorizing Scripture--filling my mind with God's Word--promises from God--replacing the words from the past with the Word of the present and future.

An excellent idea Pastor Rick had was to write a verse--a promise from God directly to me (and you)--on a 3 x 5 card. On the back of the card, write how this verse applies to my life--a mind transforming process. Reading this every morning, afternoon and bedtime (and whenever needed) will place this into my mind.

Then when those thoughts start assaulting me, they will be replaced by God's Word and love for me. Transformed by the renewing of my mind.....

I do not have the index cards, so a stop will be made on my way home from work today to begin this mind renewal process

My verse for this week:

"No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can take it out and make you as clean as freshly fallen snow.".....Isaiah 1:18 (LB)

If you'd like to join in memorizing Scripture, just let me know. We can be an encouragement to one another as we renew our minds.


Monday, October 25, 2010

On My Way....

Monday to Monday---

All I can say is that this has been a rough, long week. I cannot believe that it is Monday morning again....amongst the trials, busyness and yes....some laughter thrown in for relief....there are still blessings and thankfulness to be counted upon:

#34 to 41

clouds just before sunset with colors splashed through

fallen leaves upon the deck

a tree near my work with glorious autumn tuning

the very first shipment of squares for the homeless project

three children who love and support one who has done them

much harm

being able to pray for someone who has caused me much


playing an entire song on the piano with no mistakes

people gathering together to help those less

fortunate than themselves--and doing so with


Have a wonderful day--and remember to be aware of the blessings that come your way throughout your journeys.....


Monday, October 11, 2010

Still Counting......

#26 The pleasure of a home that I thought I would never have again

#27 The joy of spending two days with my daughter and granddaughter and having meaningful

#28 Fall decorations

#29 Red, yellow, orange and green leaves floating lazily down the creek

#30 Mums of many types and colors......and the joy of sharing one of these with others

#31 Peace in my heart and mind
#32 The smell of simmering potpourri filling my kitchen
#33 Sleeping through the night without awakening with thoughts that don't belong in my

holy experience

Saturday, October 9, 2010

You're Beautiful

I have heard this song on the radio every day for the past week on my way to somewhere. This morning I was on my way home from the grocery store, and the lyrics finally made their way into my heart....rather than just my brain.

(Please pause the music at the bottom of the page so this won't disturb your listening to the song)

Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God....1 Peter 3:3-4 (NLT)

But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.".....1 Samuel 16:7 (NIV)

Yes, this will be my song for those days when I am being attacked by the "just not rights".....


Friday, October 8, 2010

Tiny Stitches In My Mind

Today is the "official" last day of my 'stacation'. I'm not counting the weekends because I always have them anyway....

I've been working (some) on Lydia's CHRISTmas stocking, and I know that I have promised pictures...

So, here it is:

This is what the finished stocking will look like:

Picture from 1-2-3 Stitch
And this is how far I've come:
As you can see, I have a lot to complete here. But, looking at what I've accomplished so far and what is to come, I know that this will be finished for this year's CHRISTmas. I have a tendency to get bored with working with a particular color and jump around to this area and that area. At some point, I'm just going to have to settle down and work this in the way it is supposed to be done.
Yesterday, I did a complete housecleaning of my bedroom. In doing the closet, I found the material that I bought in July of 2008 to make those satin pillowcases for my daughters!! Now, that is pretty sad....I've had this for over two years....just sitting there....and it's a matter of a few seams and they will be done!! So, this is now out and in my view as an incentive to complete these.
As an added bonus, I found that I had also at that time purchased a pattern which has throw pillows for your bed--in addition to several other bedroom decorating items. Now, all I need is the material for Lindsay's throw pillows for her bed along with the initiative to do this.
Cara and I are going today to pick out a pumpkin for Lydia...perhaps I'll talk her into going to the fabric store and helping me pick out some fabric for Lindsay's pillows. This shouldn't require too much proding on my part....she's always excited to go anywhere!!
I'm looking at the CHRISTmas counter....I'd better get going!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Road Trip

I am on a week's 'stacation' this week. I have to say that I am thoroughly enjoying this....some people are not happy that I am on 'stacation'. But, I have worked, earned this time off, and I suppose it is something they will have to live with...

So, Cara, Lydia and I took a road trip yesterday. First, we went out to breakfast--to the Soda Jerk in Hummelstown. This is one of my favorite breakfast restaurants.

Lydia was excited to be out and about in the car with her mom and Gram!!

And yes, she is getting so big!!

I am hungry!! When is breakfast coming??

This little one had bits of pancake, egg, mushroom, apples and just about anything else that came her way.

When we were leaving the restaurant, the truck parked beside us had these cars--glued, I suppose--to both sides of the running board. I felt it was unusual enough to warrant a picture.

We were actually going to the outlets in Hershey to look for a winter coat for Lydia. The antique auto show was going on at Hersheypark, and we passed this on our way to the outlets. Yes, there is a piece of a front end of a car in the back of this truck. This looked very funny when driving behind this vehicle....another picture opportunity that Cara had to take advantage of.

After much searching, we finally found a coat for Lydia for the coming winter season. A good buy....over 50% off....

Very tired after a long day for her....

This morning I finished the bear I was working on to send to children who have been taken from their homes for their own safety. This one is very special because he plays the piano!!

What am I going to do today? I suppose I'll find something to do......whatever it is, it will be filled with the love of God!!


Monday, October 4, 2010

On My Way to One Thousand Gifts

On this rainy Monday morning, I look back over the week and find that I have much to be thankful and grateful for:

#18 the soft touch of a baby's skin while she is sleeping

#19 time for relaxation and just being me.....finding joy and hope in myself that I didn't
know was there

#20 meeting new children

#21 a friend who loves and cares for me--sometimes in spite of myself--a friend to laugh, cry
and share with

#22 the Holy Spirit's guidance and counsel in my life

#23 healing prayers

#24 raspberry colored clouds in the sky

#25 the knowledge in my heart that God loves and cares for me--I matter to Him,
and even when I think otherwise, His plans are the best because He knows the
outcome and I don't

holy experience


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Putting Out Some Feelers......

If you truly know me, then you will know that I have a very 'soft spot' for the homeless. Perhaps this is because I have been close to that situation myself at least 3 times with 3 children in tow.

Regardless of the reason, my heart always leans in this direction. I have done charity knitting/crocheting for various organizations, and I have always felt that 'this is good'. But, I have also felt that this was not 'it'.

The beginning of the week, I was visiting hakucho just because she designed one of my very favorite dishcloth patterns. I wanted to see what she was up to recently.

She had a photo of some squares. I thought to myself, "I wonder what she is going to do with these squares?" (knowing that she has a very inventive mind). So, I read further.

She is going to a Knit-A-Thon that benefits the homeless!!

I then went to visit the website for the Knit-A-Thon. I was totally blown out of the water!! This is it!! This is it!! My heart was telling me full blast that this was it!!

I sent an email to the organizer of this event, and she responded that very morning. We have since talked on the phone twice, and she is very excited about expanding her Knit-A-Thon (which is in Boston) to other areas. If you browse around her site, you will see that they have made many blankets and raised a substantial amount of money doing this as an outreach to their community.

I am willing and able to organize this (with some help from my friends!). Basically, you knit or crochet 9 x 9 inch squares. You will need to have sponsors--say 50 cents or perhaps a dollar/square.

Then, at a later date, the knitters/crocheters will meet en masse--assemble the blankets (35 squares to each blanket), and the blankets and the monies will be donated to a local homeless shelter.

I'm just in the stages of putting out feelers now. I've sent emails to every knitting group and local yarn shop that is close to our area, contacted my church regarding this, and now I'm appealing to you.

Do you want to help with this effort? You could either be part of the square making, the assembling, or both. Do you know someone who knits or crochets who may be interested in this? If so, please pass the word!!

I want to get an idea of who is willing to do what before I contact the shelter. Nothing worse than presenting them with an idea and nothing to follow up with--right??

If you have any questions or suggestions, please drop me a line!!
