Monday, January 26, 2009

Mission 4 Monday

My mission for this Monday is to show others caring through my time and love for them.

I was visiting Jennifer at Through The Storms of Life, and she has posted a "Pay It Forward" Challenge. This is a great way to bless others with a surprise in their mail--using your time, energy and love.

Here are the rules as posted on her blog:

The first 3 bloggers to leave a comment on this post will receive a hand-made item from me. Those 3 bloggers promise to post this challenge on their blog (meaning they too will ‘pay-it-forward’, creating a handmade gift for the first 3 bloggers that leave a comment on their blog!!) That's a lot of hand-made love being passed around! ; )

The gift can be any price range--though I'm thinking that keeping it small will be sufficient--and you have 365 days to make/ship your gift!! So, the person receiving this will be definitely surprised when a surprise shows up unexpectedly in their mailbox!

As you can see, if every cooperates and "pays it forward" this spreading of love could go on for a very long time.

If you want to participate, just leave a comment telling me so and then repost this on your blog so that you can pay it forward to 3 others, and so on, and so on, and so on.......

You can still leave a comment on what you think about this even if you don't want to participate!!

I'm anxious to see who the first three will be who want to participate in this venture of spreading our love for another!



Denise said...

Great idea.

Peggy said...

Beautiful Beth...but there's no way
I can "PAY IT FORWARD"! I looked and saw that you did not have any comments and I felt bad because they did not want the challenge!

But then DENISE popped up! YEAH!!!!
Denise is such a blessing! Now I have something handmade...nawww..
my lips are sealed, you can pinch me...(remember this)...I'm not gonna tell. With all your knitters
here, you'd think that someone could accept you have a whole year...I could even learn how to "knit", crochet or something in that time & bless 3 sweet friends. I'd like to learn how to make your "angels"...I think I want to pass them on to our MISSION each time I give a COVERing whether it's a scarf, blanket or dishcloth. Hey, can you make dishcloths/washcloths
with an angel pattern? Can they really be used to wash? What happens to the yarn? How does it feel on your face or hands or bod?

So many thoughts, I'm so inspired by your GIVING heart & creative handmade gifts!!! Indeed this is a MISSION worthy to share! Did you sign up with Jennifer? Hmmmmm?
Thanks for sharing with M4M! I'm praying for people to participate.

I'll think about it! and of course, I'll let you know.

Jennifer said...

I hope you have better luck than I did getting people to comment that want to participate. You are my only one and I am excited about crafting my special gift just for you.

Hopefully, I will get it done in the next month or so.


Denise said...

I will gladly join in your pay it forward sweetie, love you.

Omah's Helping Hands said...

Hi Beth,
This is my first time visiting your blog. I came here via Shorty Bears. What a beautiful blog you have.
This is such a good idea. I too am spreading the love after reading Shorty Bears blog. This should reach a whole lot of people. What better way to share the love than this. :) Looking forward to reading much more here. I will definitely be back!

Edie said...

Ok Beth, I'm in. I'll post sometime next week. This week is full. :)

Edie said...

Hi Beth! I just wanted to let you know that I posted my "Pay it Forward". Thanks!!