Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Creek is Rising!!

Due to the torrential downpours we had yesterday morning--in additon to the rain from the north--the creek behind my home is the highest and widest I have ever seen it.

I was going to a meeting last night, and a large portion of the two lane road I travel on was covered with deep water--so deep that the police were directing traffic around this area. I took a different route home--not really looking forward to driving in the dark through or around all of this water.

I always sit on my deck in the morning with my first cup of coffee--regardless of the coldness. The only time I don't do this is if it is raining. So, yesterday was completely out of the question. The rain was pouring and the wind was blowing.

This creek flows fast, but it is usually a silent creek. Tonight it is moving along so swiftly that I can hear the roar of the water from my deck.

And then I saw two white things floating along with the water. Some poor family forgot to move their Adirondack chairs back from the bank, and they were floating down the creek!!

Then along came a portion of a beaver dam!! Poor beavers!! All that work to have it washed away!!

It's dark now, but I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow when I come home before the sun goes down. The creek is almost to the road in many spots, and several houses have their basements flooded. Trees that usually are on the edge of the bank have several feet of their base surrounded by water.

I am glad and thankful that my home sits high above the creek with no danger of flooding.

My daughter, Cara, had all 4 of her wisdom teeth removed yesterday. She wasn't feeling too well from this surgery, and hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day for her. I have to work this Saturday, and I'm scheduled off tomorrow afternoon to make up for this Saturday schedule.

If all goes well, I'll be able to go to her home, let her get some much needed rest and have my granddaughter, Lydia, all to myself for a change!! I'm really looking forward to this!!

She is getting more content by the day, smiling, starting to coo and truly responding to other's voices.

My work is still a matter of great stress. I received my Daily Verse in my email before I left for work. God often speaks to me through music, and reading this verse immediately placed a song in my heart and mind that I carried with me through my day, and this helped immensely.

To read more about the verse, please visit The Power of Your Love where Peggy has posted about this specific verse and also our song for the day!!

See you tomorrow with some pics of the creek (hopefully)!!


1 comment:

Peggy said...

WOW! Water rising...oh no!

Blessings Beth...how did I miss this?
You be very careful and no passing through the water...you go around and drive only in daylight!!! Poor beavers...poor people who lost their chairs!

Ahhhh poor Cara...hope her wisdom does not leave also (lol) but I pray that the pain goes away NOW!
I pray that you can take a much needed break from work to help Cara but most important to spend more time with that precious grand baby, Lydia, with her coos & smiles!

Thanks for linking to the song that we ALL need to sing!!! It's a stress reducer and I pray that's just what it does...and may you be filled with The Power of His LOVE!

SMILE :) God sees you & knows you & LOVES you just like me!