Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Through It All......

From Thanksgiving to CHRISTmas...it has been a time--

A time of the "itis"--sinusitis, bronchitis, gastroenteritis, diverticulitis....and that was just me!!

The kids and Lydia also suffered from all of these except diverticulitis....so it has been a time of rest, recuperation and not much else....

CHRISTmas Day itself has come and gone....but the love our Lord has lavished upon us by sending His Son so that we may experience His grace and mercy remains....

And His grace and mercy were evident in our CHRISTmas Day celebration...sick though we were....

This was the very first holiday that not one person left in anger, tears or somewhat upset with another person.

I have to say that there were words spoken that could have erupted us into our verbal battles. But, the difference is within me.....the forgiveness of one person and letting go of things from the past (a very long journey) has left me feeling the true peace of Jesus within me.

I could hear the words, see the emotions of others....and yet, all I felt was peace....not the old anxiety and anger stirring up within me....and then reacting inappropriately.

Thank you, God....for knowing and loving me...leading me all along the way. I know I have a long way to go, but You will be there for me...as You always are..


1 comment:

pam said...

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't it amazing...something you just want EVERYONE to know...the freedom He came for....I'm doing a happy dance for you Beth!!!!!!