As I think about this--my mission not only for Monday, but for every day of my life--testifying to the good news of God's grace, I sometimes feel that I am not doing enough.
But, Jesus has said that His burden is light and His yoke is easy (Matthew 28:30).
We each have been given, through the Holy Spirit, different spiritual gifts and talents. Why then, do I sometimes feel that I have to do it all? It is not for me to do it all. God never intended this to be my burden alone. This is why we each have different gifts and talents, so that the tasks could be spread among us--we each can contribute our part using our own specific gifts that God has bestowed upon us. God does not want us to feel burdened and overwhelmed in accomplishing His work!
My particular talent was given to me at the age of 9 when my neighbor taught me to knit. So, I am using this talent to participate in
The Ghana Project/Key of Hope.
If you have never visited their site, please take the time to do so. It is so rewarding to see and read about God's people joining together to make afghans to send not only to Ghana for those undergoing spinal surgeries, but also to Durban, South Africa to the Key of Hope Project for children suffering from the AIDS virus. Many of these children are "street children", having lost their parents to this disease.
What a comfort an afghan would be on a cold, rainy night!!
This project is very simple. All you need to do is make 7 inch squares and then send them to Pam who puts them all together in an afghan. She even supplies instructions for these squares. You can either knit or crochet them--as long as they are 7 inches square. They must be made of acrylic yarn for easy washing, drying and long use.
I know (since I just reorganized my yarn) that I have a lot of leftover yarn from various projects that can easily make a 7 inch square.
I have committed myself to making this my mission for everyday--one square a day. I'm using double stranded baby yarn for these squares. I have had to purchase none (that's how much I have in stock!) And a 7 inch square goes very quickly--I've made one before I went to work in the morning.
I know that a lot of knitters and crocheters stop by here for a visit. I also know about how much yarn we all have left over from our various projects.
Why not think about checking out this site and donating a square or maybe a few!! You don't need to send enough to make an entire afghan--just how many your heart calls you to make.
I've included two pictures of the afghans that have been put together by Pam--all from squares that others have donated:
Aren't they beautiful!! Please stop by
The Ghana Project/Key of Hope site, and you can read all about their projects, how this came about, instructions for knitting the squares as well as more pictures of completed afghans.
Not much time, not much trouble, not much expense--and you can have a mission to help others in need--a comfort and warmth following a surgery--a comfort and warmth to a homeless child stricken with the AIDS virus.
Won't you join me in this mission? To read more about Mission 4 Monday, please visit
Peggy. She has all the details there!!
If you're participating or would like to join in the
Weekly Memory Verse, stop by next door!!